Hoops Homework Assignment 1

Hoops Homework is designed for home skill and development. While Hoops Homework is not designed to replace live practice or game situations, the goal is to continue to develop your game in skill, physical strength and conditioning as well as mental aspect.


Assignment One (4/15/2020)

Back to Basics - main focus: basic footwork, static ball handling and strength and conditioning.

Twice per week. Enjoy!

  • Warm-Up

    • Jump Rope (pretend). Two feet, one foot. 20 sec each, 10 sec break between. Three rounds each.

    • Line Jumps. Two feet forward and back, right/left, left/right, two feet side to side. 20 sec each, 10 sec break between. One round each.

  • Dynamic Stretching

    • Leg Swings. Forwards right and left, cross body right and left. 10 swings each. One round each.

    • Grab foot, lock knee, touch toe. Right, left. 10 touches each. One round each.

    • Arm Windmills. Forwards, reverse, right and left. 10 swings each. One round each.

  • Strength and Conditioning

    • Jumping Jacks. 45 seconds on, 15 second break. Three rounds.

    • Water Break!

    • Lunges. Forward left/right, reverse left/right, sideways left/right. 10 each.

    • Push-Ups. Regular form. 10 reps. Three rounds.

  • Footwork

    • Pivots. From spin. Jump-stops (right and left forward and reverse pivots), gather steps aka 1-2 step aka power step (right and left forward and reverse pivots). Five reps each.

  • Ball Handling 

    • Stationary Dribble. Right/left power, right/left low, wide cross, small cross, right/left one hand cross, right/left front to back, right/left between the legs, behind the back. 30 sec each, 15 sec break between.

    • Water Break!

    • Tennis Ball Work. Right/left dribble, right/left toss and catch, right left off a wall. 10 attempts each.

    • Wall touches. 100 touches.

  • Core and Cool-down

    • Crunches. 50 reps.

    • Twists (with a ball). 50 touches (each side).\

    • Glute Bridges. Regular, right over left, left over right. 10 each.

    • Static Stretching. As needed